A Clash Of Styles: What Wil A.J. Do Next?

Written by @Robbie_G_CH

Photos by Impact Wrestling 

At the Turning Point PPV, A.J. Styles lost the number one contenders triple threat match, falling prey to James Storm’s ‘Last Call Superkick’, in usual situations this would be just a small bump in the road as another chance would usually come up in the coming weeks or months, or as Bobby Roode found the next TV taping, but for A.J., thanks to a stipulation in the match, he has to wait until at least Bound For Glory XI for his next shot at the championship, the question now is what will the Phenomenal One do until he can challenge again?

Styles reflects on Impact

Dwelling On The Past

On Impact A.J. addressed the situation he finds himself in and how it reflects the year he has had referring to the issues he has had with Daniels, Kazarian and Claire Lynch. After being interrupted and berated by the former ‘World Tag Team Champions of the World’, Daniels and A.J. agreed to face each other for ‘one last time’, many people will be thinking that this match has been played out, and they would have a fair argument as I have lost count at how many times these two have locked up over the last 18 months, but besides a few tag matches with Kurt Angle, A.J. never got the closuer on the chapter with Daniels regarding the Lynch issues, and in all honesty who wouldn’t want to see these two lock up for ‘one last time’?

Road To Redemption?

With Styles being portrayed at a major low point in his career and outcast from the title picture for 11 months the similarities can be drawn with Jeff Hardy’s redemption storyline; returning from a major low point, proving himself to his peers, and then going on to win the BFG series and the World Heavyweight Championship; once A.J. has finished his business with Daniels who in this case signify the ‘demons of the past’ but unlike Hardy who managed to stay around the main event scene, he will need to go a different route to get back to the top. 

There are two possible routes that he could take over the next few months until his likely participation in the BFG series, the first would be to go back to his roots in the X Division whilst the second would be to guarantee TV airtime by competing for the TV Title. Both options would mean dropping down the roster but often in wrestling to gain the top spot you need to work your way up from the bottom. 

Ultimate X

It is no doubt that A.J. is most known for his time in the X Division and what a better place for him to rediscover himself than where he began. Since winning the title RVD has done very little in way of elevating the division besides the odd match and I would be surprised if he reign as champion and his run in TNA lasts much longer. Being a former champion brings a certain credibility and if anybody is to get an entertaining match out of RVD then it would be Styles.

High Flying is Styles Speciality

Like the Knockouts division (but executed better as to not happen month in month out), the X Division needs a match or tournament to establish the players, A.J could enter this tournament and come up short in the final to allow someone like Joey Ryan to get another shot and further add to Styles’ woes whilst giving the rub to newer members of the roster, in the following month he could then become number one contender and defeat RVD, depending on what the situation is with Van Dam’s contract (remember last year when Gunner put him out around January) they could have a rematch with the title on the line and a stipulation of the loser leaves TNA.

Over the next few months Styles could defend the title whilst using his experience to elevate the likes of Joey Ryan, Zema Ion, Kenny King and even Jesse Sorensen once he returns from injury, before dropping the title in the lead up to or at  Slammiversary to someone who will be looking for a short cut to the Heavyweight Championship whilst P1 enters the BFG Series looking to headline Bound For Glory.

The Face of Impact Wrestling

The second option would be to follow in Samoa Joe’s footsteps and secure a spot on TV every week and go after the TV Title. Like the X Division this is an area in much need of competition, especially since Magnus, whom has been pushed to match Joe, will likely be off air until the UK shows following his beat down at the hands of Aces & Eights (and his appearances in panto).

A.J. and Joe are no strangers to one another and a feud over TNA’s second belt could boost both competitors and the image of the belt, throw a returning Magnus into the mix and the TV title could become hot property over the opening months of 2013.

Bound For Glory

The fact that the stipulation states that Bound for Glory is the the first opportunity to get a shot at the silverware suggests that Styles will be victorious in the BFG series and get his shot at the biggest stage, but this year everybody had James Storm as a dead cert to win and we all saw how that played out.

It is doubtful that TNA would book the same outcome to the same story, it is more likely that Styles will come up short in the finals of the BFG Series; hopefully to Bully Ray who has been the losing finalist in both the tournaments so far; and then go on to become number one contender in the following months, maybe even not until one of the bigger events in 2014.

What ever path Styles takes it will lead back to the top, it may even be for the final time in his career, but it seems safe to say that when that shot does come, A.J. will be the new Heavyweight Champion.

Trash Talking: The Big Show

Whilst catching up on general wrestling news I came across an interview by ESPN which was promoting WWE 13; this years annual update of the WWE game; and the interviewee was WWE World Heavyweight Champion The Big Show. With the game being set in WWE’s ‘Attitude Era’ I gave the article a quick read and something really annoyed me, not the fact that that Show himself add’s himself onto a ‘dream card’ in a match against Mark Henry in a match nobody really want’s to see, but when asked a question about what the atmosphere was like when guys were switching between WWF and WCW he responded with:

It wasn’t really chaotic, it was more of competition and a place to go. If you’re talent, it’s better to have options, and you had more freedom to experiment with things. Now, it’s very structured, very rigid, and basically, we’re the only game in town. In terms of the talent, if you don’t make it here, you have no place else to go. If you had competition, if it didn’t work out for you here, at least you still might make it somewhere else. So I think there’s a lot more pressure on guys to be successful now, because if you don’t make it here, there’s really no where else to go.

I know this is WWE’s stance that they are the only Wrestling company in the world but it saddens me when their talent tries to reinforce the point, whilst kissing company ass it is totally disrespectful to the whole business and especially his ex colleagues and friends such as Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Bully Ray and one of the all-time greats who has never set foot inside a WWE ring, Sting.


I’ve never been much of a fan of Paul Wight and that is mainly down to his gimmick being that of a giant and flipping between a serious and a comedy character when creative had nothing for him yet you have to respect the fact he is a multi-time Heavyweight Champion, but not even acknowledging other promotions such as TNA and ROH as viable options for talent to make a name for themselves is a low blow, I’m sure the pay cheque isn’t in the same league but then again did anybody really buy Wrestlemania to watch Show win the Intercontinental Championship?
I can’t help but think ‘Slow’ has a bit of bitterness about him, when he left WWE in 2007 he had a few shots at the company stating that ‘Big Show’ was his slave name and he didn’t want to be owned by anyone, yet a year later he returned to WWE under that very name. There isn’t much documenting any interest between TNA and Wight in this period but rumours persisted, did Wight think they were to non league for him or did TNA think that there was nothing they could do with a 7 ft tall worker who has very limited in ring ability? I’m guessing it’s a mix of both.
WWE want to ignore the rest of the wrestling business and only focus on the ‘WWE Universe’ which is not only narrow minded but an insult to the fans, Bully Ray referred to his and Devon’s past on this weeks Impact yet when any WWE’s talents pasts get mentioned they are usually as the ‘minor leagues’ unless WWE owns the rights. When WWE want Jeff Hardy or RVD back will they have been seen on TV on a weekly basis and held multiple titles or will they have been doing nothing for the past few years? Most likely the latter in the eyes of Vince McMahon.
As a company stand point it is understandable but for employees to follow suite and disrespect the business is totally wrong, I for one will not be caring about Big Show’s current run with the World Heavyweight Championship even if this reign has surpassed his record breaking 45 second stint last December.
The interview with Big Show can be found at ESPN.

TNA Impact Wrestling DVD Wish List

Recently, I have been on a major wrestling DVD kick, watching compilations and documentaries from all the big companies, whether it be WWE, TNA or ROH. To name but a few, I highly enjoyed ‘CM Punk: Best in the World’, ‘Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Bottom Line’, ‘The Epic Journey of Dwayne The Rock Johnson’ and so on. Some recent, some from years gone by.

Anyway, this got me thinking (a dangerous notion but give me a chance). Last year, TNA pulled off a nifty little trifecta with ‘Immortal Forever?’, ‘Mick Foley: Hardcore Legend’ and ‘Enigma: The Best of Jeff Hardy Volume 2’. But then…nothing. In the entirety of 2012, TNA have failed to release a single DVD outside of bog standard pay-per-views.

With the market leader, WWE, releasing new DVD sets seemingly every other week, it strikes me that TNA are missing a trick here. Admittedly, it’s extremely likely that this lack of new material is down to financial constraints. It’s a tough economy and TNA’s finances have long been fuel for the rumour mill. But with even a relative small fry like Ring of Honor (no offense) regularly releasing sets to capitalise on their popular stars, TNA could do with pulling their thumb out of their arse and getting a move on.

In this spirit, I thought I’d create a bit of a wish list for TNA. Someone may notice it, someone may not, either way it’s all in good fun. First, I’ll start with the big obvious proven concepts that’d be sure to sell DVDs like gangbusters. After that, we’ll have a bit of a play with the format and name a few nightmarish potentials that’d have you running for the remote. It’s Halloween after all, you all deserve a bit of a fright!

Let us begin…



You have to admit, Austin Aries has had an undeniably spectacular past couple of years. Originally on the brink of retirement from professional wrestling, Aries received a call from TNA on the eve of their first spotlight Destination X pay-per-view. They needed recognisable names to bolster their X-Division-only show and who better than A Double. Quickly winning himself a contract, Aries took a hold of the X Division like no other before him and refused to let go. He dominated for a year straight, remaining the undefeated Champion all the way up til this year’s Destination X. After a string of impressive David and Goliath contests against larger opponents, Aries had earned the respect of management and the fans alike. Making the decision to have him win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship all the easier. This rags to riches story would be downright inspirational to the common fan, not to mention a wonderful excuse to collect Aries’ classic matches against Bully Ray, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, etc. Giving him such a set would also elevate him no end in the eyes of the Impact Wrestling audience. Compilation sets such as this are saved for the heavy hitters, so listing Aries among them not only feels right, but is a huge compliment.


 Just over a year ago, the most elaborate and thoughtful feud in TNA’s decade long history began. Whatever your opinion of the two men in question, they have been the backbone of Impact Wrestling for as long as I can remember. Frankly, it’s hard to imagine there was a time before them. As the tag team, Beer Money, they were always entertaining and wouldn’t you just know it, so was their breakup. At the time, I would’ve advised caution, fearing the loss of the hottest tag team in professional wrestling, but knowing how it turned out, I’m glad they pulled the trigger, as the business is better off for it. Out of the ruins of a tag team came the birth of ‘The Cowboy’, ‘The IT Factor’ and two legitimate main event talents. Stretching from one Bound for Glory to another, what better story to have immortalised to represent your company than this one. Special mention goes to their epic confrontations at this year’s Lockdown and BFG, two classic bouts that hit all the right notes.


 Rather than focus on one or two particular wrestlers, this set would take advantage of the very best matches the Impact Wrestling video library has to offer. Pour in all the love and attention TNA can muster, as this would be a wonderful promotional tool and a travelling billboard to preach the virtues of this product over any other. Going forward from the re-branding of the show in May 2011, there have to be plenty of five star pay-per-view quality TV main events ripe for the picking. Frequently whilst watching an average episode of Impact Wrestling, I’m taken aback by their willingness to give away such a high standard of match on free television instead of spending several weeks or months building up to it. Typically, this attitude springs from their business model being geared towards popping a TV rating over selling the pay-per-view, so to be able to re-use a number of these matches and make some extra coin, I can’t see how anyone would argue.


 Over the years, I’ve seen WWE capitalise on recent UK tours more times than I can count. Such a DVD takes minimal effort on everyone’s part, as it’s basically repackaging episodes of a show that’s already aired in it’s completed form. However, I’m not suggesting TNA be quite so lazy with it. The United Kingdom is arguably the most rabid fanbase for TNA Wrestling the world over, America included. No offense to their home country, but how come it’s always struggling in the ratings over there and succeeding over here (just saying). This year alone, they had a sellout tour of the UK, in some of the biggest arenas we have to offer. For a product that is usually relegated to a piddly little sound stage in Florida, it never looked grander than in a packed house at Wembley Arena. They taped two episodes of Impact Wrestling at that show and it was by and far the most impressive TNA have ever looked in their ten year history. Following on from such overwhelming success, they’ll be repeating the feat in 2013. Only this time, it won’t just be the London show that’s taped, but the Manchester show as well! Put the four resulting episodes of Impact on a disc and you’ll have a professional looking product that could draw even the most cynical viewer in. Here’s hoping the content lives up to the surroundings!


THE CLARE LYNCH STORY: EVERY SORDID DETAIL – Remember this little gem? Yeah, we wish we didn’t either! Oh the memories. Where Kaz and Daniels sought to use poor defenseless drug-addled Clare to frame AJ Styles for having an affair with TNA President, Dixie Carter. In a plot so elaborate, it should’ve been nominated for an Emmy. Just who was this angle designed to get over? It couldn’t have been AJ, as it made him look like scum at every opportunity. It couldn’t have been Dixie, as she ducked out at first  chance. It couldn’t have been Clare, as it damn near ruined her genuine modelling career due to TNA fans’ hatemail. Yep, that’s right, it put no one over. We spent months watching for nothing.

BROTHERLY LOVE: JOSEPH PARK & THE QUEST FOR ABYSS – Randomly one week, a rather familiar looking individual, albeit more sharply dressed than usual, turned up at the gates to the Impact Zone, demanding to see the person in charge. Who was this fellow, you ask? None other than Abyss himself with a haircut and a new suit. Only he’d clearly gone insane from one too many blows to the head. Instead of ‘The Monster’ we’d come to know and love, he identified himself as one Joseph Park, a relative of Abyss, looking for his brother, who had mysteriously gone missing months earlier. Ever since then, we’ve barely had a match out of either persona. They took a man known for taking the sickest bumps and made him…a non-wrestler? Of course, there’s the matter of that Black Hole Slam he pulled out of nowhere on Bully Ray, but sssssshhhhhhhhh, we’re not supposed to mention that.

BAM! – ODB & ERIC YOUNG IN ‘WHERE’S MY CHICKEN?’ – Several months ago, ‘Showtime’ Eric Young finally lived up to his moniker and moved out to Hollywood, where he fronted his own successful nature show. In doing so, he left his Knockout Tag Team Champion partner and Wife, high and dry. Worse still, he said he was coming back with a tub of Chicken any minute now. For weeks, this poor insanely large breasted woman would wait for a different kind of breast and be left wanting. Weeks would pass and no word from EY. Not even a phone call. I can’t even imagine the number of voicemails that must’ve involved on ODB’s part. It was a hilarious running joke across the summer, but what the hell does it say about the state of their marriage!


Written by Mark Clements

TNA Lockdown 2012 Preview & Predictions


On Sunday April 15th, TNA Wrestling hold their annual all-cage-match PPV, Lockdown. In days gone by, such a gimmick running throughout the entire show might have been considered risky or too much, but since WWE started assigning gimmicks to almost every single event, it’s actually quite run of the mill. However, this is one niche that TNA beat them to and it’s become their second biggest show of the year behind Bound for Glory! Now let’s see what they have in store for us…


TNA World Tag Team Championships

Magnus & Samoa Joe (c) vs The Motorcity Machine Guns



After the long awaited return of the Motorcity Machine Guns to Impact Wrestling last week, the Tag Team Champions have been put on notice! The Guns definitely have momentum on their side, being a fan favourite tag team, who’ve been sorely missed for the past year. However, Magnus and Joe are only just beginning to gel as a legitimate tag team, if they lose the titles straight after winning them, they may as well go back to singles competition, their reign will have meant nothing. If I were to venture a guess, I’d expect the Champions to retain their titles, setting up a rematch next month. There’s so little going on in the Tag Team division, they pretty much HAVE to keep their feud going.


Prediction – Magnus & Samoa Joe defeat The Motorcity Machine Guns via pinfall to retain the TNA World Tag Team Championships

TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs Velvet Sky



Gail Kim has been decisively dominating the Knockouts division ever since returning to TNA in October of last year. There have been a few contenders who’ve come close to toppling her, whether it be “Hardcore Country” Mickie James or “Killer Queen” Madison Rayne. Either of those competitors would’ve made complete thematic sense. However, I’m sad to say that current candidate Velvet Sky makes least sense of all. While she was the one who initially lost the Knockouts Championship to Gail upon her return, Velvet has been a forgotten footnote ever since. This renewed pursuit of the title has literally come out of nowhere, with Velvet going from jobbing to pinning their biggest star (James) in a matter of weeks. Despite all of this, I do think TNA are feeling the need for a change and will once again use a big show to put the belt on Velvet, just as they did back at Bound for Glory. If she does manage to end Gail’s reign, here’s hoping Velvet’s second attempt at being Champion is more dignified than her first.


Prediction – Velvet Sky defeats Gail Kim via pinfall to win the TNA Knockouts Championship


TNA Television Championship

Devon (c) vs Robbie E

The rematch no one asked for and no one wanted. After having dropped the belt to Devon at last month’s Victory Road PPV, Robbie E fights to regain a championship that nobody else thought to challenge for. Unfortunately, the Television title is the clear runt of the TNA championships. Rarely mentioned and rarely defended. It doesn’t have to be a complete loss though. If they got the right talent behind the division and thought about replacing that dog-eared red belt, there could be something of worth there. But Robbie E and Devon aren’t the men to do it. The fact Devon is even holding a singles title is downright bizarre. Whatever happens, the Television Championship will be ignored for another month and rolled out for an invitational match on PPV.


Prediction – Robbie E defeats Devon via interference (from Rob Terry) to win the TNA Television Championship.


Crimson vs Matt Morgan



This is one of several feuds at Lockdown that began all the way back at Bound for Glory six months ago, with TNA showing remarkable forward-planning. Even if we weren’t really happy with the pairing in the first place, they stuck to their guns and gave it to us anyway. Initially, the feud was conceived as a battle of the giants, a supposed “dream match”. After a brief intermission with Samoa Joe, the pair were sucked into the ailing tag team division for Sting’s wildcard tournament and the months that followed. No matter how the two behaved, you knew at some point the trigger would be pulled and they would turn on each other, it was just a question of how. In the end, Crimson’s “undefeated streak” (except for all those tag matches he lost) went to his head and he screwed over his partner Morgan in a rematch for the Tag Team titles. The one positive going into this match at Lockdown is that Hulk Hogan promised during a promo that this would be the end of the conflict. Hopefully, the pair will pummel each other, hit a few choice power moves and we can all move on. Nothing to see here that we haven’t a hundred times over already.


Prediction – Crimson defeats Matt Morgan via pinfall to maintain his “undefeated streak”


Jeff Hardy vs Kurt Angle



The majority of the groundwork for this feud was laid before Victory Road over a month ago. The crux of the matter is that Kurt Angle is jealous of Jeff Hardy because Kurt’s son Cody idolises Jeff over his own father. I’ve always found this to be a slightly flimsy excuse to have your two most popular active wrestlers go at it, but whatever gets them in the ring, I guess. The last month has really been a case of keeping things ticking over until the inevitable rematch. I suppose we’re meant to ignore the fact they just had a twenty minute match together on Impact Wrestling last week. As long as it ended in a cheap fashion, it may as well never have happened, right guys. At least this iteration of the pairing comes with the added bonus of the cage and Angle’s patented moonsault off the top corner. He’s done it two years in a row now against both Ken Anderson and Jeff Jarrett, one hitting, the other landing nowhere near. After it was recently revealed that Angle is suffering from a major injury that could possibly keep him out of the Olympics, this guaranteed leap off the top is even scarier than usual. Please dear god Kurt, don’t kill yourself.


Prediction – Jeff Hardy defeats Kurt Angle via pinfall (Angle takes a few months off to heal nagging injuries)


Team Garret vs Team Eric

(featuring – whoever doesn’t already have a match)



In the past, the Lethal Lockdown match has headlined the PPV over the World Heavyweight Title match. In this case, I’m praying that’s not the case. While both feuds have essentially been running since Bound for Glory last October, I wish Bobby Roode and James Storm the best of luck. Whereas, the Bischoff name has been a blight on Impact Wrestling for far too long. Whether it’s Eric’s pompous promos that even the audience aren’t listening to or Garret’s botchfests they dare to call matches. Lethal Lockdown is to determine who gets the rights to the name and who remains on the Impact Wrestling roster. Ultimately, NEITHER of these men deserve to be on your television each and every week. It’s blatant nepotism and makes me cringe every week. I’d rather see the competitors in this match fighting over who was going to pay the bar tab afterwards, rather than the Bischoff name. It’d be one thing if we didn’t already know the conclusion, but after the monster push that Garret has received for simply being Eric’s son and the supposed “future of wrestling”, there’s no way in hell that Garret is going away. Even worse, Eric will come straight back too. What’s the point?


Prediction – Team Garret defeats Team Eric via pinfall (Garret himself getting the pin on Eric)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bobby Roode vs “The Cowboy” James Storm

Ladies and gentlemen, our main event of the evening! Where all the other feuds that’ve carried over the past six months failed, this one has succeeded.


Bobby Roode went into TNA’s biggest show Bound for Glory a clear fan favourite and lost his prized title shot through a last minute screwjob (perpetrated by Kurt Angle in the ring or Hulk Hogan outside of it?). Through some questionable hotshot booking, the World Championship soon found it’s way to Roode’s Beer Money partner, James Storm. Being an honourable “cowboy”, Storm wanted to right the wrongs of BFG and gave first crack at the title to his best friend. After a hard-fought match, Roode’s jealousy got the better of him and he used Storm’s own beer bottle to steal the win and the World Heavyweight Championship. Since then, Roode has bloomed into a respected main event heel, proclaiming himself the leader of the “Selfish Generation”. He’s held the belt consistently for the entire six months, despite never once winning a match clean. He’s become the quintessential villain for the 21st century.


In the opposing corner, we’ve watched an even more surprising rise to the top in the form of James Storm. Even as recently as a year ago, no one would have believed he could become a genuine World Championship contender or centrepiece of the company. But in a bizarre twist of fate, his “Cowboy” gimmick has led to a rebirth of sorts, with Storm evolving into a hard-drinking redneck hero the likes haven’t been seen since Stone Cold Steve Austin.


Not to put unnecessary pressure on these two top class athletes, but this match could very well be the culmination of six months worth of television. For a company who’s internal logic can fly out the window on a whim if it suits them, the fact they’ve held true and let these two young guys prove themselves in the spotlight is a miracle. The match itself will undoubtedly cover a number of styles, whether it be technical wrestling or outright brawling. I can’t think of two people who deserve the attention more, now they just have to keep it. Considering this PPV is being held in Storm’s home town and will function as an end to this feud, you have to put good money on the Cowboy coming out on top.


Prediction – James Storm defeats Bobby Roode via pinfall to become the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion!

TNA Impact Wrestling 2012/03/08 Review

We open on a video from “earlier today”, where-in Garret Bischoff arrives at Universal Studios in an open top jeep. The camera crew ask him about what happened last week with Ric Flair, to which he replies he appeciates the warning, but he’s not going anywhere. Garret continues to mumble his way through promos, whether there’s a crowd or not. There’s no way such a green worker should be opening the show.

Entering the Impact Zone for the first time this evening, we find the trio of Ric Flair, Gunner and Eric Bischoff making their way to the ring. Eric starts off on the mic by appreciating Flair’s music, saying it “warms the cockles of my heart” (a little odd, but okay). He goes on to say he’s embarassed to have to confront his son in such a public forum and that he’s disappointed it came to this. However, Garret has pushed them all too far and in an effort to put an end to hostilities, Eric has had a quiet word with Sting and arranged a tag team match for later tonight, putting an end to this issue once and for all (there’s no way in hell this feud gets settled on a random episode of Impact a month shy of Lockdown). Just as he teases the mystery of who will be Gunner’s tag team partner for the evening, Kurt Angle’s music hits. Getting in the ring, Kurt hugs all three men, clearly in cahoots (because all heels are friends!). Eric postively jumps for joy as he hands the mic to the Olympic Gold Medalist. Kurt gladly offers his services for the evening in partnering with Gunner. He looks straight down the camera and says he hates Garret, riling up the crowd into a series of “Hardy” chants. Mirroring the beginning of last week’s episode, he tells us why – because he doesn’t respect his father! Rather hilariously, he adds that anyone who matters, hates someone with the last name Bischoff. Closing out the segment, Kurt promises to make Garret tap, tap, tap because it’s real, it’s damn real. The heels celebrate in the ring as we get glimpses of Garret backstage watching the in-ring events on monitor. He’s visably flustered and storms out. This was a ridiculous way to open an episode, focussing on a petty familial feud with no true payoff. The segment would’ve tanked completely had Angle not come out and made it more about his personal issues with Jeff Hardy.

Cutting to a backstage bathroom, we find Sting looking in a mirror, applying his trademark facepaint. His frustrations with Bobby Roode boil over and he starts slipping into his Insane Icon persona. He’s soon interrupted by Eric Young. For once, EY is the sane person in the room! He asks a favour of Sting. Wanting the best for his girl ODB, EY was hoping Sting might arrange something especially. Knowing how much women like gold, he offers them a shot at the Knockouts Tag Team Championships! I loved the quieter moments of this skit, such as Sting referring to absolutely everyone as Bobby and the way he psychotically painted EY’s face, but ultimately Sting blew it by being too much of a goofball, channeling what can only be described as Jim Carey’s The Mask.

Knockouts Tag Team Championships

Gail Kim & Madison Rayne (c) vs ODB & Eric Young

Before the match begins, Taz and Tenay recap the events of last week, replaying footage of Gail Kim making half-arsed attempts at aiding her partner Madison and eventually costing her the match. All of this building tension towards their upcoming Knockouts Championship match at Victory Road in ten days. As such, their future as Tag Team Champions doesn’t look too rosey!

Kicking the match off, Eric Young locks up with referee Earl Hebner in one of his confused states. Finally figuring out it’s Gail he’s meant to be wrestling, the Knockouts Champion dares EY to land a punch on her jaw and pushes him around the ring. That is until he’s backed into ODB’s corner and she makes the tag. She works Gail over thoroughly, hitting a splash, followed by a bronco buster. Meanwhile, EY sneaks into the ring and willingly sets himself up for the same move in the opposite corner! Returning to the action, the two go back and forth until Gail is able to make a tag to Madison, who swiftly takes control. However, Madison’s success is short-lived as she finds her head thrust into ODB’s crotch over and over again. A press off the top rope leads to a nearfall. In the wake of this, the heels cheat to gain the advantage, as Madison distracts the referee and Gail chokes ODB. An impressive series of doubleteams by the Champions, giving away no signs of discontent in their partnership. ODB breaks away and makes the hot tag to Eric, who rather than rushing at his opponent Gail, locks up with the referee again! The miscommunication allows Eric to take the lead and get both the Tag Champs in an impromptu double airplane spin for a two count. The finish comes as Madison nails Eric with the Tag Title belt, causing him to collapse (mid-striptease) on top of Gail Kim. Failing to shift the unconscious EY, the referee counts the pinfall and we have new Knockouts Tag Team Champions!

An otherwise impressive Knockouts tag match, the only downside being Eric Young’s involvement, as he was unable to play anything other than a comedy role for fear of striking a woman. While I enjoy the pairing of ODB and Young, I do question whether they can function as Champions, with one half being incapable of truly competing.

Winners – ODB & Eric Young to become the NEW Knockouts Tag Team Champions

After the match, EY gets down on one knee in the centre of the mat. Taking ODB’s hand, he produces an engagement ring from his trunks (he wrestled with a ring in there? ouch!). Coming back from commercial, we find EY now has a mic and asks his trailer park lover to marry him. She thinks about it for a second and motions to leave. All of a sudden, she turns and proposes to him! EY happily accepts and does a victory lap around ringside in celebration. A really dopey angle, but I like the occasional cheesey segment.

Outside, at the main gate, a security guard checks the credentials of one Joseph Parks. It’s clearly the Monster Abyss (aka Chris Parks), sans mask, wearing a goofy suit, looking ALOT like the magician Penn Jillette. It even looks as though they’ve cut his hair. I have absolutely no idea what to think of this development! Have they put the Abyss gimmick to rest or are they gearing up for a split personality angle (good luck booking the eventual match for that!)

We return to the studio to find Austin Aries checking his phone. Apparently, he’s received an email from authority figure Sting. Aries takes a brilliant jab at Sting for only just discovering Twitter, now email and that it’s about time he joined the 21st century. It turns out Sting has booked Aries to defend his X Division Championship tonight against Zema Ion. Voicing every smart mark’s opinion, he correctly points out how stupid it is giving away such a money match on free TV, rather than wait ten days for the PPV. Rather than wait and give people a reason to buy the PPV, Sting has made yet another bad business decision. But this doesn’t scare Aries, as once he successfully defends his Title tonight, he doesn’t have to give Ion another shot at Victory Road! An absolutely wonderful performance from A Dub. It veered a little close to being an inside joke, but when CM Punk can reinvigorate the WWE with such terminology, I applaud Aries for being the one to try it in TNA.

X Division Championship

Austin Aries (c) vs Zema Ion

In our second title match of the night, Victory Road comes ten days early! Ion tries to get in a sneaky kick, but finds his leg caught by Aries and a swift forearm to the head. A Dub expertly runs Ion round the ring in a headlock and upon an attempt to escape, cunningly grabs his opponent’s prized hair. After a particularly impressive sequence, Aries decides to take a victory lap around ringside and even bows in respect to the camera. The action finds it’s way back inside the ring, with Aries dominating Ion at every turn. Ion has a brief surge where it looks as though he’s winning, but a couple of nasty knife edge chops on the top rope send him crashing to the outside and prove he’s clearly not. Aries attempts to follow, flying to the outside, but only finding exposed guard rail. This disorientation allows Ion a quick two count. Motioning for his finisher, Ion goes to the top rope and tries for a 450 splash, only to land flat on his face as Aries rolls away at the last second. A small moment of confusion allows Ion to grab his hairspray bottle, but is unsuccessful on attempting to use it, as Aries ducks out of the way. Grabbing the bottle from Ion, Aries retaliates and sprays his opponent in the face, only now the referee has recovered and seen everything. Despite valid protests, the referee calls for Aries to be disqualified!

A wonderful X Division match, with both men getting in several impressive moves. The clear victor being Austin Aries, as he dominated the match from start to finish and proved himself a champion like no other. If they’re as interested in young talent as they say, TNA should take advantage of this and push Aries all the way into the World Title picture. Right now, no one deserves it more than him.

Winner – Zema Ion via disqualification (title doesn’t change hands)

Backstage, the mysterious Joseph Parks enters the makeup room and finds Velvet Sky being tended to. Introducing himself, he asks if she might know where Abyss, HIS BROTHER, might be. He’s been “missing” for several months (clearly someones not watching Ring Ka King!). She apologises to “Joseph”, as she hasn’t seen Abyss in a while either. He thanks her and leaves without incident. Not knowing Abyss had a brother in the first place, Velvet exclaims “you learn something new every day!”. Two segments in and this angle is truly bizarre. I hope there’s a point to all of this.

We return from commercial to find Bully Ray standing dead centre of the ring, ready to cut a promo. For the millions of Impact fans around the world, Calfzilla is here! As in a similar video package from earlier in the show, Bully harps on his success of having been the one to kick a chair into James Storm’s head last week. As such, he feels he should be the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, not Storm, and urges Sting to come out to the ring and declare him so. Never one to refuse an invite, the creepily half-painted Stinger obliges and makes his way out. Amidst chewing the scenery, Sting points out Bully can’t make matches purely because he injured somebody. However, as Bully has the best damn calves in all the world, he can have Bobby Roode…right after the break!

Non-Title Match

World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode vs Bully Ray

Before coming out to the ring, we see Roode arguing with Sting over having to defend his title at such short notice. Sting, not wanting to ruin the Lockdown main event, never said that this would be a title match! Roode exits towards the stage, calling Sting all different kinds of crazy and the General Manager thanks him in return.

Roode walks down the ramp sheepishly, even jumping at his own pyro. Once he makes his way to ringside, he attempts to bargain with Bully Ray, offering his hand in friendship, but is cruelly denied by the former Dudley. As the bell is rung, the rowdy Impact Zone crowd begins a “kick his ass” chant. The pair lockup and Bully backs Roode into the corner. To his credit, Roode is able to outwrestle Ray, resulting in a headlock. Shoving Roode into the ropes, Ray comes back with a fierce shoulder block. The two of them exchange shoves, until Roode takes it one step too far and slaps Ray. Maintaining control, Roode works Ray over with a sustained period of kicks and punches, showing his first signs of true aggression. A particularly scary spot sends Bully flying back off the ropes, making the entire ring visibly shake! For all his cowardice, Roode dominates Ray consistantly, getting nearfall after nearfall. However, this causes him to get cocky and begin mocking the downed Bully, who shoots back with an audible sequence of slaps to the chest that HAD to hurt. Bully takes control with a power game, flooring Roode with clothesline after clothesline. He hits a stunning powerslam on Roode, which seemed to linger forever. The crowd actually begin to chant for Bully Ray! Roode, fearing imminent defeat, goes to the outside and grabs Ray’s own chain. Before he can use it, he’s met with a boot to the face. Seeing that his own chain was about to be used against him, Ray picks it up and motions that he’s about to nail the Champion with it. Unfortunately for Bully, James Storm appears in the ring and chases him off. This leaves the leader of the Selfish Generation open to a swift superkick from his former Beer Money partner! Taking the World Heavyweight Championship from ringside, Storm lays it over the fallen body of Bobby Roode and leaves victorious (if it doesn’t bother you that he wasn’t a participant in the match).

A fantastic match for Bully Ray continuing his late blooming career revival. Despite several prolonged periods taking punishment from the Champion, he showed phenomenal conviction and it’s no wonder the crowd got behind him. The only thing I’d pick fault with is that being a heel vs heel match, the crowd didn’t have the slightest clue what they were meant to do. They eventually settled on supporting Bully, only at the end to find him chased off by the actual face, James Storm. With Bully inspiring such a fierce reaction from the audience, it was unwise to send the Cowboy in after him. If not for the superkick to Roode at the end, they might’ve accidently turned their biggest hero.

Winner – World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode via disqualification

We cut to the locker room area, where Garret Bischoff is getting ready. He’s sat in his supposed ring gear, otherwise known as a vest and some tracksuit bottoms (I’ve done PE at school in more elaborate gear than he wears to the ring!). The camera crew try to coax the reveal of his mystery tag team partner, but he point blank refuses to spoil the surprise. Firstly, we know it’ll be Jeff Hardy, purely due to the fact he’s feuding with Kurt Angle, who’s going to be Gunner’s partner. Secondly, will somebody shave those damn mutton chops off his face, they’re beginning to annoy me!

In what I can only assume is another locker room, Crimson and Matt Morgan are chatting when Joseph Parks enters. He repeats the same schtick from earlier, asking whether either of them have seen his brother Abyss, only to be told they haven’t seen him in several months. After Parks leaves, Crimson turns to Morgan and attempts to rationalise them having lost the Tag Team Titles, much to Morgan’s dismay. Given the opportunity to correct their mistake, they’ve been booked in a number one contender’s match against Robbie E & Robbie T. Looks like they’ll set aside their differences for another time. Yawn.

Number One Contenders Match

Crimson & Matt Morgan vs Robbie E & Robbie T

Rather curiously, E & T come out wearing matching pink cardigans. Is that meant to be in style? Because they look horrendous! (Rob Terry looks none too happy about it either)

The match begins with Robbie E getting in Crimson’s face and attempting a fist pump, met by a stiff clothesline from the “undefeated” giant. He follows it up with a release suplex, sending the Jersey wannabe flying back into his own corner and the arms of bodyguard Robbie T. Fresh off the tag, the pair size each other up and lock arms, until Terry takes the lead and beats Crimson down. A few power moves later, Robbie E (still on the outside) nails Crimson with a clipboard. In a rare double team, Terry hits a sideslam positioning Crimson for a knee off the top rope from E. It proves ineffective though, only getting the Jersey posers a one count. Terry ends up losing the momentum for his team, as he stands flexing for the cameras for several seconds, allowing Crimson to recover and make the tag. Upon entering the ring, Morgan runs wild on both opponents, ploughing through them singlehanded. The finish comes as Morgan hits his finisher, the Carbon Footprint, on Robbie E. Unbeknownst, Crimson makes the blind tag and covers for the win, leaving Morgan shocked and appaulled. The referee raises their hands as the two of them bicker about what just happened.

A short, silly affair that didn’t really do any of the four men much good. The only thing of note was the screwy ending, setting up a probable heel turn for Crimson. I don’t want it to sound as though I’m picking on Crimson and Morgan, but the two of them have consistently failed to engage me for the past six months, whether it be in singles or tag team competition. If their feud wasn’t working back then, why do the bookers think it’ll work now? However, I am happy to see them steer Crimson towards the dark side, as he’s failed to get over as a face and the fanbase are noticably resentful of his undeserved monster push. Maybe a run as a heel will freshen up his act. Until then, we have at least one more Tag Team Championship match at Victory Road between them and the new champions, Samoa Joe and Magnus.

Winners – Crimson & Matt Morgan via pinfall to become number one contenders to the Tag Team Championships

A new segment begins as AJ Styles music hits the Impact Zone and he makes his way to the ring. He enters to rousing fan support, which doesn’t go unnoticed by the Phenomenal One, as he puts over how essential the fans have been in getting TNA to their ten year anniversary. Styles takes a walk down memory lane and reminices about various angles, including an odd mention of Bully Ray being a member of the Frontline standing against the Main Event Mafia. Before he can go any further, he’s interrupted by Christopher Daniels and Kazarian. Mocking AJ’s nostalgia, Daniels points out that he returned to TNA last year in support of AJ. Ultimately, in all the time they’ve been friends, Styles has soared and Daniels has been punished. That’s why he’s decided to put himself first for a change and encouraged Kazarian to do the same thing. Handing the mic off to Frankie, he calls AJ transparent and gullable. He builds up to the point that with all the friends who’ve turned their back on AJ, maybe the problem doesn’t lie with them, but with himself. Responding to that, AJ swears off any future friends, but instead will associate with…Assholes! Mr Anderson’s music hits and the four men erupt in violence. Eventually, Styles and Anderson clear the ring and celebrate their new alliance! A curious confrontation that tried to explain the continued hostilities between AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, but the reasoning seemed too generic to have any real significance. Also, Styles calling in Mr Anderson for assistance seems totally random. Basically, they needed a way to get him back on television and he’s been inserted into this placeholder of a feud until they can think of something better.

Kurt Angle & Gunner vs Garret Bischoff & TBA

Unsurprisingly, Garret’s mystery partner turns out to be…Jeff Hardy! Even Angle’s son Cody could’ve seen that one coming a mile away.

With the heels already in the ring, Garret shakes Jeff’s hand on the ramp and follows the Charismatic Enigma down to the ring. Hardy plays to the crowd in a major way, while Garret just stands there looking like a moron. After the customary introductions by Jeremy Borash, the supposed-faces unwisely turn their backs on Angle and Gunner, who take the opportunity to jump them from behind. The referee restrains Garret as the opposing team double up on Jeff Hardy. Eventually order is restored and Gunner is forced out of the ring, leaving Angle to officially compete against Hardy. Following several submissions and suplexes, Angle unsuccessfully covers Hardy for a two count. Fighting back, Hardy comes off the ropes with a clothesline to Angle. Not waiting for the hot tag, Gunner enters the ring prematurely and attacks Garret, sending him crashing to the floor. While this is going on, Angle pulls Hardy back towards his corner and applies a submission hold to Hardy’s leg, isolating him from Bischoff Junior’s aid. Such games go on for quite a while, as Angle and Gunner whale on the ailing Hardy and occasionally make a play for Garret in the corner. There was a brief moment whereby Hardy had Angle in a rollup, but Garret’s own protests distracted the referee from seeing the count. After a solid ten minutes of Hardy being the legal man, a free leg to Angle allows him the hot tag to Garret, who rushes into the ring, hitting several sloppy clotheslines on Angle and Gunner both. He hits what I assume was a botched jawbreaker on Angle and goes for the pin, but is broken up by Gunner. Both heels grab Garret and whip him into the ropes, but after an initial duck, are met with a piss poor double clothesline from their intended victim. Angle lands in just the right position and Hardy hits the Swanton Bomb for the win. We go off the air as the referee raises their hands in victory.

A ridiculous main event that was lob-sided at best. Jeff Hardy spent an insane amount of time as the legal man, which was almost the entire match, bar a last minute tag to Garret. It’s clear the match had the duel purpose of putting Garret Bischoff over and yet hiding his inadequacies in the ring, of which there are many! It’s ludicrous to think TNA wasted a television main event on putting over the producer’s wannabe-wrestler son. The sooner someone tells the Bischoffs that what they’re doing is shameless nepotism, the better.

Winners – Garret Bischoff & Jeff Hardy via pinfall

In conclusion, this was an extremely hit and miss episode of Impact Wrestling. For every brilliant match, there was a terrible one. For every wonderful promo, there was a disasterous one. It’s rather easy to pinpoint what was wrong with this week’s show, namely – TOO MUCH GARRET! Hell, even when he wasn’t on-screen, they were still talking about him! He lacks ring presence, promo ability and botched the most basic of moves. That this green rookie can dominate the opening, the closing and a fair percentage of what came inbetween is insane. However, that’s not to say this week was a complete loss, as I thoroughly enjoyed everything involving Austin Aries, marvelled at Bully Ray’s progress and even had a chuckle at EY’s expense. If TNA can get their priorities straight and remember the World Heavyweight Championship is the most important thing on the show, not the producer’s son, they could improve in a heartbeat. But this week, it was not to be.



Impact Wrestling Intro Breakdown

Last weeks episode of Impact started rather differently, not in the way of a promo or a match but the intro video was different and new, long gone are the studio shots with blue steam as they have been replaced with footage from live shows with the in ring action showing off more of the crowd than the tight angles that were used before.
Re-watching the old intro for reference as it was the one part of the show I never normally pay attention to, it hadn’t occurred to me how much of the in-ring action highlighted was my wrestlers no longer with the company such as Mick Foley, Jesse Neal and The Young Bucks (Generation Me), although it was a surprise to see these  wrestlers at all as when they were with the company it’s not like they were big players or even appeared on Impact on a regular basis.
The new intro video actually has very little wrestling on show with a few shots of A.J. Styles vs. Daniels from what looks like the Wembley taping and a Jeff Hardy swanton, these have replaced multiple action shots with my favourite beings Angle’s moonsault from the top of the cage.
Despite the lack of actual wrestling on show; and to be honest the clue is in the name of the show what your going to get anyway; there is more prominence on the crowd and wrestlers being in front of the audience instead of a set shot which is designed to make TNA look like a big company that can draw, hopefully I sign that Impact will be taken on the road again.
The wrestlers used are mainly of those expected,Sting, A.J. and Bobby Roode are the first few that you see and seen as Sting and Roode have been two of the main players in the last half a year that is fully justified, its slightly surprising that A.J. is seen above the champ but he has been the face of TNA for 10 years so it’s not totally out of place. The next shot did take me aback a little as it’s half of the tag team champions… nope not Joe but Magnus, this shows how much of a push he is receiving at the moment as he is also the Heavyweight Champion in Ring Ka King. There are a few shots that have been recycled from the old intro, but why waste resources cutting a new clip when the old clip shows off what you are still trying to show off.
I have been surprised by a few inclusions and exclusions in the intro montage, the main one being Rob Van Dam who hasn’t been on TV since taking a DDT on concrete from Gunner at Genesis and has been rumoured to be heading back to WWE, yet he appears twice in this montage which suggests he isn’t going anywhere. Others on show include Mexican America ring leader Hernandez who also hasn’t been seen in months and is apparently setting up his own wrestling organisation and Mr Anderson who I had forgotten about but the Asshole will be returning to Impact next week. The main wrestler missing is Abyss and although he is missing in story terms has been a big part of TNA for years and can lead to debate of whether the character will ever appear on TV again. Another not featured is Garett Bischoff which I am not complaining about and hopefully will mean he isn’t around for a long time.
All in all a decent freshen up for Impact wrestling highlighting larger crowds and featuring stars who are all on the roster with praise they haven’t followed WWE’s style of putting graphics and effects taking away from what were actually there to watch which is a wrestling show.


Rob’s Reaction: Against All Odds

On February 12th TNA held their second PPV of the year, Against All Odds; an interesting theme for a PPV with its Vegas décor and gambling related graphics but being held in the Impact zone thousands of miles away from Sin City did TNA play their cards right?

#1 Contenders Match for the X Division Championship: Zema Ion defeated Jesse Sorensen via countout

The X Division match kicked off the card and I don’t need to tell you what happened as it was one of the biggest talking points of the PPV, but I would like to take this moment to wish Jesse well and hopefully he will make a full recovery. Kudos to Ion for keeping character although the concern for his competitor was apparent, it’s just a shame these two didn’t get the chance to showcase themselves. 

Open Invitation Match for the Television Championship: Robbie E (c) def. Shannon Moore by pinfall

With the TV title not being defended on TV for months it was a last-minute addition to the card, which is a surprise that it hasn’t been forgotten about! I was surprised that Moore answered the call as he hasn’t been on TV in a while and he should be (in my opinion) me giving the X Division more depth. The match wasn’t much to shout about but at least it meant the belt was defended, for months I have been saying that the TV title should be given more prominence but to do so a better division needs to be built, the belt should be a stepping stone to the heavyweight championship rather than just a show filler. 

Knockouts Championship: Gail Kim (c) def. Tara by pinfall 

A solid match as expected between the two knockouts and a title match that Madison Rayne didn’t get involved in as she walked away from ringside mid bout. Kim picked up the pinfall after Tara hit a top rope moonsault but sold a knee injury on the landing which Kim capitalised on. It was good to see Tara get so much offence on Kim compared to their Impact match a few months ago when Tara jobbed within a minute. The match however was more another step in the Kim / Rayne storyline rather than a match where the title could change hands. 

Tag Team Championship: Samoa Joe & Magnus def. Matt Morgan & Crimson (c) by pinfall

A better match than the one that took place at Genesis but that was to be expected as the challengers have had more time to gel as a team. There was good back and forth action and the end of the match came with Joe & Magnus hitting their snapmare / top rope elbow double team move on Morgan.

New Champions (photo by Lee South)

Joe and Magnus make for a good team and can hopefully bring about a rise in the tag division, Magnus is a rising star and Joe seems to have re-emerged from the wilderness of pointless feuds in a direction that will hopefully see him rise to the top again. Morgan and Crimson will most likely go on to have another ‘Dream Match’ as the competitive streak and tension between the two has been their since Sting put them together.

X Division Championship: Austin Aries (c) def. Alex Shelley via submission

As I predicted in my preview this match was the highlight of the night as both men were on form in a back and forth match that was a good advert for the X Division.

Aries has now gone onto beating everybody in the division and although he will be defending against Zema Ion in the near future it is difficult to see where ‘the greatest man to ever live’ will lose the title, as it will soon get to the point where either Aries will have to move up to find greater competition or the competition comes and find Aries. 

Kazarian (w/ Daniels) def. A.J. Styles by pinfall 

A slow starter but strong finisher this match was the first in what will probably be a series of match ups involving the three which I would imagine to keep on going until Destination X. The match included some good action between the two as would be expected although I felt a lot of direction was taken away from Kazarian as the fan’s continued to show their anger at Daniels, but this is to be expected as we still don’t know why Kazarian has sided with Daniels despite not being comfortable with it. 

Kazarian getting the win gives him a little more prominence as he has been the weakest link in this fued so far, not in his ability but the fact since losing the X Division championship last year he hasn’t really had much to do, hopefully these matches will elevate him. 

Gunner (w/ Eric Bischoff) def. Garett Bischoff (w/ Hulk Hogan) via pinfall

A match that I feel shouldn’t have been on PPV managed to land itself the Semi Main Event slot and managed to match my expectations of nothing. Gunner continued his ruthless streak but that means nothing when he is facing somebody who is making his PPV debut, especially as the pinfall came moments after Hogan was ready to throw in the towel. 

Forcing Garett down fans throats isn’t the way to go, if we are to get behind him as a wrestler then he has to prove himself and pay his dues, going straight into the semi main event above seasoned pro’s such as Austin Aries, Samoa Joe and A.J. Styles is a slap in the face to them and proves it’s who you know (or who your related to) rather than what you know. 

Hopefully after this shambles Garett will be taken off TV for a while, ply his trade at house shows to gain more experience and work his way from the bottom of the card… but we all know realistically that sadly wont happen. 

World Heavyweight Championship: Bobby Roode (c) def. Jeff Hardy, James Storm and Bully Ray via pinfall

Yet another main event that ends in an angle rather than an actual finish. The match was entertaining up until the end when the ref took a bump and Sting, who was enforcing the match, stepped in to stop Roode using the belt as a weapon and ended up knocking out Hardy with the championship and slow counted the victory.

Victory Road's likely Main Event (photo by Lee South)

The finish to this match sets up Sting vs. Roode which is likely to happen at Victory Road as Hardy had his rematch on Impact and looks set to enter a program with Kurt Angle whilst Ray and Storm had a number one contenders match with Storm facing his former Beer Money Inc. partner at Lockdown.

Hopefully this will be the last time we see a PPV event to end with more questions and no definitive winners as it is doing the company more harm in the long-term as fans are unwilling to pay for matches that they get no reward from. 

Overall Against All Odds was a bit of a let down, it was hard to build back up from the accident that occurred in the first match, a lot of this event is building to bigger things in the future, with Vince Russo leaving TNA hopefully things will get on track and provide quality PPV events that are worth the money that fans are being asked to stump up on a monthly basis.
