A Clash Of Styles: What Wil A.J. Do Next?

Written by @Robbie_G_CH

Photos by Impact Wrestling 

At the Turning Point PPV, A.J. Styles lost the number one contenders triple threat match, falling prey to James Storm’s ‘Last Call Superkick’, in usual situations this would be just a small bump in the road as another chance would usually come up in the coming weeks or months, or as Bobby Roode found the next TV taping, but for A.J., thanks to a stipulation in the match, he has to wait until at least Bound For Glory XI for his next shot at the championship, the question now is what will the Phenomenal One do until he can challenge again?

Styles reflects on Impact

Dwelling On The Past

On Impact A.J. addressed the situation he finds himself in and how it reflects the year he has had referring to the issues he has had with Daniels, Kazarian and Claire Lynch. After being interrupted and berated by the former ‘World Tag Team Champions of the World’, Daniels and A.J. agreed to face each other for ‘one last time’, many people will be thinking that this match has been played out, and they would have a fair argument as I have lost count at how many times these two have locked up over the last 18 months, but besides a few tag matches with Kurt Angle, A.J. never got the closuer on the chapter with Daniels regarding the Lynch issues, and in all honesty who wouldn’t want to see these two lock up for ‘one last time’?

Road To Redemption?

With Styles being portrayed at a major low point in his career and outcast from the title picture for 11 months the similarities can be drawn with Jeff Hardy’s redemption storyline; returning from a major low point, proving himself to his peers, and then going on to win the BFG series and the World Heavyweight Championship; once A.J. has finished his business with Daniels who in this case signify the ‘demons of the past’ but unlike Hardy who managed to stay around the main event scene, he will need to go a different route to get back to the top. 

There are two possible routes that he could take over the next few months until his likely participation in the BFG series, the first would be to go back to his roots in the X Division whilst the second would be to guarantee TV airtime by competing for the TV Title. Both options would mean dropping down the roster but often in wrestling to gain the top spot you need to work your way up from the bottom. 

Ultimate X

It is no doubt that A.J. is most known for his time in the X Division and what a better place for him to rediscover himself than where he began. Since winning the title RVD has done very little in way of elevating the division besides the odd match and I would be surprised if he reign as champion and his run in TNA lasts much longer. Being a former champion brings a certain credibility and if anybody is to get an entertaining match out of RVD then it would be Styles.

High Flying is Styles Speciality

Like the Knockouts division (but executed better as to not happen month in month out), the X Division needs a match or tournament to establish the players, A.J could enter this tournament and come up short in the final to allow someone like Joey Ryan to get another shot and further add to Styles’ woes whilst giving the rub to newer members of the roster, in the following month he could then become number one contender and defeat RVD, depending on what the situation is with Van Dam’s contract (remember last year when Gunner put him out around January) they could have a rematch with the title on the line and a stipulation of the loser leaves TNA.

Over the next few months Styles could defend the title whilst using his experience to elevate the likes of Joey Ryan, Zema Ion, Kenny King and even Jesse Sorensen once he returns from injury, before dropping the title in the lead up to or at  Slammiversary to someone who will be looking for a short cut to the Heavyweight Championship whilst P1 enters the BFG Series looking to headline Bound For Glory.

The Face of Impact Wrestling

The second option would be to follow in Samoa Joe’s footsteps and secure a spot on TV every week and go after the TV Title. Like the X Division this is an area in much need of competition, especially since Magnus, whom has been pushed to match Joe, will likely be off air until the UK shows following his beat down at the hands of Aces & Eights (and his appearances in panto).

A.J. and Joe are no strangers to one another and a feud over TNA’s second belt could boost both competitors and the image of the belt, throw a returning Magnus into the mix and the TV title could become hot property over the opening months of 2013.

Bound For Glory

The fact that the stipulation states that Bound for Glory is the the first opportunity to get a shot at the silverware suggests that Styles will be victorious in the BFG series and get his shot at the biggest stage, but this year everybody had James Storm as a dead cert to win and we all saw how that played out.

It is doubtful that TNA would book the same outcome to the same story, it is more likely that Styles will come up short in the finals of the BFG Series; hopefully to Bully Ray who has been the losing finalist in both the tournaments so far; and then go on to become number one contender in the following months, maybe even not until one of the bigger events in 2014.

What ever path Styles takes it will lead back to the top, it may even be for the final time in his career, but it seems safe to say that when that shot does come, A.J. will be the new Heavyweight Champion.

All Quiet on The Impact Front

Last week, TNA Wrestling held their annual Turning Point pay-per-view. Coming off a string of high-quality shows in the months preceding it, I had high hopes. The potential was certainly there on paper and it stood every chance of continuing the trend. So why did it fail to entertain this fan in particular? By playing it safe at every turn.

No risks taken, no surprises sprung, no titles changing hands, no cliffhangers to keep me coming back. I mean, I’ve heard of transitional pay-per-views, where nothing much happens because they’re in the process of furthering long term angles, but this was a joke. It was little more than a placeholder. Fans could tune into Impact Wrestling the following Thursday and not have missed a beat. You could make the argument TNA have always profited more from (and preferred) Impact over pay-per-views, but they’re not exactly trying to swing the balance back the correct way.

Looking at each championship division on it’s own, it’s hardly surprising they put out such a lackluster show. They’re all merrily chugging along with a single token challenger, but they don’t have any juice. No lightning-in-a-bottle feud every professional wrestler should be striving for the moment they lace up their boots for the first time. Whether it be the TV, Knockouts, Tag or X Division Championships, they’re being defended, but only in a professional sense. No butting heads, no personal insults, no grudges to hold. Close to 90% of the show this month is feud free, and the other 10% is relying on the tried and tested programs of Bobby Roode vs James Storm and AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels. Two matches that have played out a million times and aren’t even for titles!

All of this would be moot if the top tier battle for the World Heavyweight Championship was shouldering the burden. Unfortunately, Jeff Hardy has been about as enigmatic as a cardboard cut-out. He may inexplicably sell the most merchandise, but that doesn’t mean he’s earned this blind faith and devotion. In the past two months, Austin Aries has pretty much had to lead Hardy by the hand to half decent segments and matches. But it seems ‘A-Double’ is not long for the World Title picture. What with the Number One Contendership being such a big deal elsewhere and ominous allusions to Open Fight Night, I can feel ‘The Greatest Man That Ever Lived’ being quietly swept under the rug. Leaving our World Champion wandering the backstage area cutting promos in his head like a roaming psychopath. Who is this modern day wordsmith going to shout “creatuuuuuuuuures” at next? Whoever it is, I don’t envy their task. It’s akin to babysitting.

However, we do have three weeks until the next pay-per-view ‘Final Resolution’ and assuming he can put his issues with James Storm to the side for a little while, I have every faith in Bobby Roode to try and coax some life out of Jeff Hardy. I was pleasantly surprised by the renewed focus on ‘the IT Factor’ this past week. Even with him treading well worn territory with his former tag team partner, Roode carried Impact Wrestling on his back for the majority of 2012 and he did it with style. So much so, I wouldn’t be adverse to seeing him end the year in the same manner, as our World Heavyweight Champion.

TNA Impact Wrestling DVD Wish List

Recently, I have been on a major wrestling DVD kick, watching compilations and documentaries from all the big companies, whether it be WWE, TNA or ROH. To name but a few, I highly enjoyed ‘CM Punk: Best in the World’, ‘Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Bottom Line’, ‘The Epic Journey of Dwayne The Rock Johnson’ and so on. Some recent, some from years gone by.

Anyway, this got me thinking (a dangerous notion but give me a chance). Last year, TNA pulled off a nifty little trifecta with ‘Immortal Forever?’, ‘Mick Foley: Hardcore Legend’ and ‘Enigma: The Best of Jeff Hardy Volume 2’. But then…nothing. In the entirety of 2012, TNA have failed to release a single DVD outside of bog standard pay-per-views.

With the market leader, WWE, releasing new DVD sets seemingly every other week, it strikes me that TNA are missing a trick here. Admittedly, it’s extremely likely that this lack of new material is down to financial constraints. It’s a tough economy and TNA’s finances have long been fuel for the rumour mill. But with even a relative small fry like Ring of Honor (no offense) regularly releasing sets to capitalise on their popular stars, TNA could do with pulling their thumb out of their arse and getting a move on.

In this spirit, I thought I’d create a bit of a wish list for TNA. Someone may notice it, someone may not, either way it’s all in good fun. First, I’ll start with the big obvious proven concepts that’d be sure to sell DVDs like gangbusters. After that, we’ll have a bit of a play with the format and name a few nightmarish potentials that’d have you running for the remote. It’s Halloween after all, you all deserve a bit of a fright!

Let us begin…



You have to admit, Austin Aries has had an undeniably spectacular past couple of years. Originally on the brink of retirement from professional wrestling, Aries received a call from TNA on the eve of their first spotlight Destination X pay-per-view. They needed recognisable names to bolster their X-Division-only show and who better than A Double. Quickly winning himself a contract, Aries took a hold of the X Division like no other before him and refused to let go. He dominated for a year straight, remaining the undefeated Champion all the way up til this year’s Destination X. After a string of impressive David and Goliath contests against larger opponents, Aries had earned the respect of management and the fans alike. Making the decision to have him win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship all the easier. This rags to riches story would be downright inspirational to the common fan, not to mention a wonderful excuse to collect Aries’ classic matches against Bully Ray, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, etc. Giving him such a set would also elevate him no end in the eyes of the Impact Wrestling audience. Compilation sets such as this are saved for the heavy hitters, so listing Aries among them not only feels right, but is a huge compliment.


 Just over a year ago, the most elaborate and thoughtful feud in TNA’s decade long history began. Whatever your opinion of the two men in question, they have been the backbone of Impact Wrestling for as long as I can remember. Frankly, it’s hard to imagine there was a time before them. As the tag team, Beer Money, they were always entertaining and wouldn’t you just know it, so was their breakup. At the time, I would’ve advised caution, fearing the loss of the hottest tag team in professional wrestling, but knowing how it turned out, I’m glad they pulled the trigger, as the business is better off for it. Out of the ruins of a tag team came the birth of ‘The Cowboy’, ‘The IT Factor’ and two legitimate main event talents. Stretching from one Bound for Glory to another, what better story to have immortalised to represent your company than this one. Special mention goes to their epic confrontations at this year’s Lockdown and BFG, two classic bouts that hit all the right notes.


 Rather than focus on one or two particular wrestlers, this set would take advantage of the very best matches the Impact Wrestling video library has to offer. Pour in all the love and attention TNA can muster, as this would be a wonderful promotional tool and a travelling billboard to preach the virtues of this product over any other. Going forward from the re-branding of the show in May 2011, there have to be plenty of five star pay-per-view quality TV main events ripe for the picking. Frequently whilst watching an average episode of Impact Wrestling, I’m taken aback by their willingness to give away such a high standard of match on free television instead of spending several weeks or months building up to it. Typically, this attitude springs from their business model being geared towards popping a TV rating over selling the pay-per-view, so to be able to re-use a number of these matches and make some extra coin, I can’t see how anyone would argue.


 Over the years, I’ve seen WWE capitalise on recent UK tours more times than I can count. Such a DVD takes minimal effort on everyone’s part, as it’s basically repackaging episodes of a show that’s already aired in it’s completed form. However, I’m not suggesting TNA be quite so lazy with it. The United Kingdom is arguably the most rabid fanbase for TNA Wrestling the world over, America included. No offense to their home country, but how come it’s always struggling in the ratings over there and succeeding over here (just saying). This year alone, they had a sellout tour of the UK, in some of the biggest arenas we have to offer. For a product that is usually relegated to a piddly little sound stage in Florida, it never looked grander than in a packed house at Wembley Arena. They taped two episodes of Impact Wrestling at that show and it was by and far the most impressive TNA have ever looked in their ten year history. Following on from such overwhelming success, they’ll be repeating the feat in 2013. Only this time, it won’t just be the London show that’s taped, but the Manchester show as well! Put the four resulting episodes of Impact on a disc and you’ll have a professional looking product that could draw even the most cynical viewer in. Here’s hoping the content lives up to the surroundings!


THE CLARE LYNCH STORY: EVERY SORDID DETAIL – Remember this little gem? Yeah, we wish we didn’t either! Oh the memories. Where Kaz and Daniels sought to use poor defenseless drug-addled Clare to frame AJ Styles for having an affair with TNA President, Dixie Carter. In a plot so elaborate, it should’ve been nominated for an Emmy. Just who was this angle designed to get over? It couldn’t have been AJ, as it made him look like scum at every opportunity. It couldn’t have been Dixie, as she ducked out at first  chance. It couldn’t have been Clare, as it damn near ruined her genuine modelling career due to TNA fans’ hatemail. Yep, that’s right, it put no one over. We spent months watching for nothing.

BROTHERLY LOVE: JOSEPH PARK & THE QUEST FOR ABYSS – Randomly one week, a rather familiar looking individual, albeit more sharply dressed than usual, turned up at the gates to the Impact Zone, demanding to see the person in charge. Who was this fellow, you ask? None other than Abyss himself with a haircut and a new suit. Only he’d clearly gone insane from one too many blows to the head. Instead of ‘The Monster’ we’d come to know and love, he identified himself as one Joseph Park, a relative of Abyss, looking for his brother, who had mysteriously gone missing months earlier. Ever since then, we’ve barely had a match out of either persona. They took a man known for taking the sickest bumps and made him…a non-wrestler? Of course, there’s the matter of that Black Hole Slam he pulled out of nowhere on Bully Ray, but sssssshhhhhhhhh, we’re not supposed to mention that.

BAM! – ODB & ERIC YOUNG IN ‘WHERE’S MY CHICKEN?’ – Several months ago, ‘Showtime’ Eric Young finally lived up to his moniker and moved out to Hollywood, where he fronted his own successful nature show. In doing so, he left his Knockout Tag Team Champion partner and Wife, high and dry. Worse still, he said he was coming back with a tub of Chicken any minute now. For weeks, this poor insanely large breasted woman would wait for a different kind of breast and be left wanting. Weeks would pass and no word from EY. Not even a phone call. I can’t even imagine the number of voicemails that must’ve involved on ODB’s part. It was a hilarious running joke across the summer, but what the hell does it say about the state of their marriage!


Written by Mark Clements

TNA Bound for Glory 2012 Preview & Predictions

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s that time of year again. Presenting to you, TNA Wrestling’s biggest show of the year, Bound for Glory! It’ll be a hard-fought evening as feuds months in the making come to a head. Matches of note include the World Tag Team Champions of the World facing opposition from either side (leaving nowhere to run!), the ‘Cowboy’ James Storm finally gets his hands on the self-proclaimed ‘IT Factor’ Bobby Roode, Stings fights off invaders Aces & Eights, not to mention the ‘Charismatic Enigma’ and winner of the Bound for Glory series, Jeff Hardy, challenging ‘The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived’ Austin Aries for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship! Canned Heat have our picks made for the big show, so scroll down the page and see if you agree…

TNA X Division Championship

Rob Van Dam vs Zema Ion (c)

MC: In this late addition to the card, TNA remembered that they hadn’t booked one of their top guys in a match on the biggest show of the year – enter RVD’s sudden quest for the X Division Title. It all began on this week’s episode of Impact Wrestling, as Zema Ion came out to the ring to cut a promo boasting about all the injuries he’s caused and the careers he’s potentially ended (not really something to be proud of, guy). As is often the way, the heel is then interrupted by the fan favourite looking to put him in his place. In this instance, Mr Thursday Night himself, Rob Van Dam, has been given his pick of opponents for the big show on Sunday and who better to challenge than a Champion. This will be RVD’s third Bound for Glory and he’s entering with a score of two wins, no defeats, against two of the biggest names in wrestling – Abyss and Jerry Lynn. With future legends like that under RVD’s belt, Zema Ion must be positively quaking in his boots. As random and thrown together as this match is, I think this combination is the best TNA could offer under the circumstances. Despite the lack of build, I’m actually looking forward to it. As for who will walk away the victor, Rob Van Dam is the perfect guy to lead the X Division into the coming year. No offense to Ion, but he’s been little more than a placeholder Champion since winning the Title back at Destination X. He’s faced a number of challengers since, but no actual feuds have emerged, with the X Division becoming a blatant after-thought. There were entire months worth of Impact Wrestling where the X Division Champion didn’t so much as appear. Bearing that in mind, it’s time for the Title to be on a talent that can’t be ignored and will be featured on a weekly basis. Rob Van Dam’s high profile may be just the kick the division needs.

Robbie G: The X Division has been an afterthought since Austin Aries handed over his title going into Destination X and yet again heading into Bound For Glory a title defence is added on the ‘go home’ show. I’m surprised a one on one match was added as usually multiple talent is involved for a spot-fest but this match should elevate the X Division with the addition of star power in the form of RVD and also it’s champion Zema Ion as this is one of the most high profile members of the roster he will be going against. RVD had a good showing in the BFG series, was defeated in his challenge for the Television Title and now has his sights set on Ion’s X Division Championship mainly as he wasn’t booked for the show. Van Dam is one of the more recognisable names for neutrals to cheer which TNA management would be thinking of with BFG taking part outside of their comfort zone in an untested area. 

This match up brings the X Division to a cross roads, Zema Ion has been a solid champion but nothing has stood out about his reign so far, yet a win over RVD on this stage would boost his stock significantly whilst the Division has lacked star power since Austin Aries became Heavyweight Champion and RVD can be a short term fix for that, bringing fresh matches against members of the division and giving some of the younger members of the roster the rub. For the division as a whole RVD needs to win this match but Ion needs to put on a show and make a name for himself. 

Prediction – Rob Van Dam defeats Zema Ion via pinfall to win the TNA X Division Championship.

Joey Ryan vs Al Snow


MC: Months in the making, Joey Ryan finally gets his second chance at an Impact Wrestling contract! Don’t you just love the irony of the first Gut Check contestant to be told no, getting more TV time than every other contestant who was told yes, combined. While the likes of Alex Silva and Taelor Hendrix have disappeared into the developmental system, never to return, Joey Ryan has been a frequent presence on Impact Wrestling, showing up every few weeks to remind the deluded judges of their obvious mistake. While the initial target of Ryan’s scorn was the Human Suplex Machine, Taz, the former ECW Champion has long since retired from the ring and any such feud would lead absolutely nowhere. Unless we were about to get a terrifying gimmick match with Bruce Pritchard’s Brother Love, veteran Al Snow was the obvious choice to step up to the plate to face Joey Ryan. The pair have had a couple of fun interactions leading into BFG, usually with Ryan coming away looking the weak heel. I particularly enjoyed seeing the contract signing…on Al Snow’s back! As entertaining as the pairing has been, Al Snow is little more than a stepping stone for Joey Ryan. A decisive victory should lead to a full-time contract on Ryan’s part and springboard to bigger and better things. Al Snow meanwhile, can return to his Gut Check duties and woefully misjudge the next generation of professional wrestlers once again.

Robbie G: Gut Check’s most impressive contestant has had a long road to get his contract, but that road has been worth it creating a following of 87%er’s and doing enough to make the rest of the crowd hate him more whilst being entertaining along the way. It’s a surprise that Al Snow is stepping back into the ring to face against Ryan to make this a battle of the mustaches, especially as the judge’s could have picked from any guy not on the card, but as long as he leaves ‘Head’ backstage this should be an entertaining ‘match’ which should see Joey Ryan as the newest member of the TNA roster and hopefully future X Division Champion.

Prediction – Joey Ryan defeats Al Snow via pinfall to win an Impact Wrestling contract.

TNA Television Championship

Magnus vs Samoa Joe (c)

MC: The long-missing Television Title returns and my what a Champion it’s found it’s way to! There was a brief moment recently where TNA actually considered quietly retiring the TV Title. The belt hadn’t been defended in months, the weekly defence rule had fallen by the wayside and disastrously, contract negotiations with the then-Champion, Devon, failed miserably. Thankfully, with the close of the Bound for Glory series, TNA once again find themselves with airtime to fill and what better way than a weekly title defence  After a hard fought match against Mr Anderson, Samoa Joe found himself the new Television Champion! His one defense so far was against Rob Van Dam, with another contender sure to fall by the wayside this coming Thursday, taking him neatly to Bound for Glory. Quite conveniently, Joe has long-standing issues with his former tag partner, Magnus, who took exception to losing to Joe in the latter stages of the BFG Series. A number of chair shots and scuffles later and here we are. Unfortunately for Magnus, the Television Title is in a wildly precarious position and is in need of a substantial period of rebuilding, a feat Samoa Joe is more than capable of. Putting the TV Title on the young Brit, while bolstering his career, would do no favours for the Championship itself and send it careening back to the likes of Robbie E and Garett Bischoff. If TNA have any common sense, the belt needs to remain on Joe for the foreseeable future.

Robbie G: A few months ago I wouldn’t have been excited about a match for the Television Title, seeing Robbie E, Garett Bischoff and Devon fight over the belt month in month out became old quickly and left nobody caring about TNA’s second strap, but fast forward a few months with Devon failing to negotiate a new contract and the vacant title being won by Joe the image of TNA’s second strap has been boosted considerably.

The match itself would have likely taken place  with or without the belt on the line but adds just a little bit extra to the match and to the credibility of the title as the ex tag team champions take on one another after Magnus turned heel and took his frustrations out on Joe. The two should put on a solid match which could be an outside bet on match of the night, Magnus’ stock is rising and at a later date I wouldn’t be surprised to see the belt around his waist but just not yet.    

Prediction – Samoa Joe defeats Magnus via submission to retain the TNA Television Championship.

TNA Knockouts Championship

Tara vs Miss Tessmacher (c)

MC: What was initially a rather interesting feud between student and teacher, has devolved into what can only be described as a cat fight. Back leading into the previous pay-per-view, No Surrender, there was no true heel in this pairing, merely one wishing to see if they could earn the respect of the other. That was genuinely captivating and I feel they lost something fundamental about the story once Tara turned full-fledged heel and denounced her student. They’ve since sullied these hardworking women even more with the notion that Tara is only doing all of this at the behest of an unknown Hollywood boyfriend. So where once there was competition, honour and respect, we now have a girl trying to impress a boy. Entering her forties and the latter stages of her wrestling career, I would’ve hoped Tara would be beyond stories like this. However, even with this ridiculous handicap, it’s clear Tara’s character has captivated TNA’s booking committee (at least narratively speaking), whereas Miss Tessmacher has proven somewhat of a blank slate. As such, I fully expect Tara to sink to underhanded levels to get the big win at BFG and walk away our new Knockouts Champion.

Robbie G: Another match which sees former Tag Team Champions go against one another, but unlike Magnus and Joe I couldn’t actually care about this match. The former TNT pairing have locked up multiple times in the past few weeks leaves not a lot to imagination of what we will see at Bound For Glory. A year ago the Knockouts Division was brimming with talent all fighting it out for a shot at the belt but now a depleted roster seems to just be handing the championship from one to another every other month and if Tara dominates Tessmacher like she did at No Surrender I see that cycle continuing.

Prediction – Tara defeats Miss Tessmacher via pinfall to win the TNA Knockouts Championship.

TNA World Tag Team Championships

Styles & Angle vs Daniels & Kazarian (c) vs Guerrero & Hernandez

MC: In what will clearly be the most entertaining wrestling match of the evening, this dark horse of a tag division will collide in an epic three way dance! Ironically, none of the three teams are what would traditionally be thought of as tag teams, but who am I to nitpick such obvious talent. Styles & Angle have been trading the titles back and forth with Daniels & Kazarian for quite a while now, stretching all the way back to Slammiversary. Guerrero and Hernandez are a new wrinkle, not necessarily needed, but I can’t believe a Guerrero would be anything other than a benefit to a match, even being Chavo. I’ve really been enjoying the three teams competing over the last few weeks and will be sad to see the feud end, but something tells me that ending will be more than worthwhile. I’d talk about the story leading into the match, but I’m not sure there is one. This contest is coming down almost exclusively to athleticism. I know Daniels still has heat with Styles from the Clare Lynch debacle, but when doesn’t he at this point. This is as close to pure wrestling as we’re likely to see and I couldn’t be happier.

Robbie G: The tag team division seems to have taken a page from the Ring Of Honor playbook by having successful singles competitors form teams to go for the gold and looking at this match I am not complaining one bit. Daniels and Kazarian have been stealing the show for a while on Impact with excellent promos, skits and matches but some of that credit has to go to the other teams who have been the foil for most of their exploits. The addition of LAX, Mexican America, Chavo and Hernandez has freshened this feud and added an even more unpredictability to this match even if it does remind me a little of Los Guerrero’s facing off against Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit and Edge & Rey Mysterio 10 years ago in WWE.

The talent in this match should make it a BFG classic providing Daniels leaves his toolbox at home this year, with all likely to put 110% in and have their chance to shine, picking a winner is more difficult but sadly I can’t see Daniels and Kazarian having a celebratory appletini after the match, a win would benefit Guerrero & Hernandez more but Styles & Angle could close the epic feud the former has had with his former Fortune stablemates, although not having the champs pinned for the belt’s would allow for a rematch or two before some of Aces and Eights decide they want a bit of TNA gold. 

Prediction – Guerrero & Hernandez defeat Styles & Angle and Daniels & Kazarian via pinfall to win the TNA World Tag Team Championships.

Street Fight

Bobby Roode vs James Storm

(w/King Mo as Special Enforcer)

MC: In a rare display of long-term booking, we finally reach the culmination of Bobby Roode and James Storm’s epic feud. This was quite literally a year in the making, beginning with Roode’s inability to defeat Kurt Angle in the main event of last year’s Bound for Glory. James Storm picked up the World Heavyweight Championship in the weeks following, sending his former Beer Money tag team partner into a spiral of jealousy. One beer bottle smashed over Storm’s head later, we had the birth of ‘The Selfish Generation’ and the self proclaimed ‘IT Factor of Professional Wrestling’. The feud appeared to be reaching it’s conclusion months ago, back at the Lockdown pay-per-view, but Roode once again fluked a victory and Storm’s quest for vengeance continued. Personally, I would’ve ended it right then and there, but with a Storm victory, winning his World Heavyweight Championship back fair and square. Looking back, that was the pinnacle of their momentum and in a world where a one month feud is considered long-term, six months was damn near legendary. With the pair approaching a year now, interest in their conflict has waned considerably. Where once it was top of the card and for the World Title, it’s now an afterthought and the Title has been diverted elsewhere. Don’t get me wrong, these two will still put on a hell of a show, but their heat boiled over months ago. Getting it back to that level of intensity will be next to impossible. The one saving grace of the match will be in it’s finality. This should be the very last pay-per-view encounter between the two, so enjoy it while you can.

Robbie G: It goes to show the change in mentality of TNA booking that this is another match that brings the events of the previous year to ahead, with the two former Bear Money members facing off for the last time in a Street Fight, even if many did think this would be for the TNA Heavyweight Championship and Main Event of Bound For Glory.

The match between the two should be similar to the last bout these two had at Lockdown, hard hitting with lots of blood but will be hard to match the intensity as both have been apart for a number of months with Storm taking time off before dominating the BFG series and Roode involved in the Championship scene and then taking some time off before returning to derail Storm’s chances of main eventing this event. 

The addition of King Mo to the fray baffles me slightly as he doesn’t add anything to the match itself and judging by his actions on Impact (04/10) he will favour ‘The Cowboy’ which will detract a little of the glory from winning the bout and ending the feud. I imagine in the fallout of this match Roode will offer King Mo his first match on the back of this whilst Storm will go back into the hunt for the title.

Prediction – James Storm defeats Bobby Roode via pinfall.

Aces & Eights vs Sting & Bully Ray

MC: In yet another TNA attempt at an invasion storyline, the Impact Zone has been besieged for months by a mysterious biker gang called Aces & Eights. The one key difference being in this case, we don’t have a single clue who these guys are meant to be. Not to mention, the fear that when they are finally revealed, they won’t be anyone we know or care about. Infact, if the reveal of this group ISN’T a resounding failure, I will literally stand up and applaud them. There are numerous rumours that the leader is Eric Bischoff or Jeff Jarrett, but I suspect something far more surprising, sinister and probably not make a lick of sense. My bet is the one, the only, the Monster, Abyss. Aces & Eights are meant to have been keeping Abyss’ brother, Joseph Park, captive for almost a month by the time Bound for Glory rolls around and as we all know, Joseph Park IS Abyss. However, the placement of Bully Ray in this match does make for a curious alternative. For the longest time, Ray was the main suspect in the Aces & Eights mystery, so much so, he became TOO obvious. As we saw on last week’s Impact Wrestling, Aces & Eights took out Sting’s initial choice of tag team partner, Mr Anderson. Conveniently making the way for someone they’d prefer in the match, Bully Ray. All in all, expect several swerves, reveals, screwjobs and hopefully we’ll finally get to the bottom of this mystery. This has dragged on far too long and the audience needs a genuine face for Aces & Eights going forward.

Robbie G: It’s hard to say how a match will play out when you only know one team involved but we all know this will be similar to the Sting / Hogan ‘match’ from last years event where the ending and aftermath will be more important than the match itself, whilst also having similar stipulations.

‘Team TNA’ have two of the top names in the industry whilst Aces & Eights are likely to be made up of Mike Knox and Drew (Luke Gallows) Hankinson fighting for their chance of allowing the group access to the Imapct Zone, lets face it without the masks and mystery this match would struggle to draw a crowd for a house show. 

The Aces & Eights storyline has been very hit and miss, it was exciting for a short period but without motif or explanation  it has seemed to drag on without really evolving, has thrown suspension of belief to the next level with the Impact Zone seemingly being accessible to anybody walking by, Joseph Park being kidnapped for a few weeks without the police becoming involved and if Joey Ryan needed to sign a contract to compete on the show then who drew up the contract for this match and why would it get signed?

Bully Ray has benefited multiple times from the actions of Aces & Eights even so getting himself in this match but these actions seem far too obvious that he would be apart of the gang, especially as everybody made a big deal of his ‘Do You Know Who I Am’ catchphrase but if MC is correct and Abyss is involved then it would suggest rather than an Immortal reunion, Bully is there to take a beating in revenge for making Abyss disappear and then forcing ‘Joseph Park’ into the ring.

Expect a roller coaster of a ride and to see Aces & Eights come out on top, it won’t get the reaction Hogan’s face turn but as long as he doesn’t turn heel and this turns out to be more than just an Immortal reunited case then the pay off should hopefully be worth it, even if it is just to refresh the landscape of Impact.    

Prediction – Aces & Eights defeat Sting & Bully Ray via pinfall to gain access to the Impact Zone.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Hardy vs Austin Aries (c)

MC: I have to admit, I am genuinely surprised that TNA booked this match. At every turn, another eventuality seemed far more likely. Back at Destination X, I never would’ve guessed Austin Aries would defeat Bobby Roode and become the World Heavyweight Champion. Equally so, I never would’ve guessed he’d retain the Title against Roode again at Hardcore Justice. Not to slight Aries ability, but a year’s worth of TNA booking pointed towards Bobby Roode vs James Storm headlining the biggest show of the year.

Similarly, the Bound for Glory series seemed almost entirely geared towards putting James Storm over and giving him that second chance at revenge on Bobby Roode. So imagine my shock when not only does James Storm NOT win the BFG series, but he goes out in the Semi-Final. All logic then pointed towards Bully Ray, the man who defeated Storm, taking the top spot. After all, Aries has been playing a Face Champion for the past three months, it’d make sense to put him up against the biggest heel on the roster. Lo and behold, that didn’t happen either! While Jeff Hardy is arguably TNA’s most popular wrestler, I defy anyone to predict he’d find himself in the main event of Bound for Glory challenging for the World Heavyweight Title.

I have a sneaking suspicion that recent contract negotiations with Jeff Hardy have played a huge factor in booking this main event. Amid rumours of Hardy not re-signing with TNA when his contract expires and god forbid, returning to WWE, I wouldn’t be surprised if a high profile title win and subsequent reign at the top was used as a bargaining tool. Hell, even if Hardy did fail to re-sign, TNA have him until February guaranteed and may feel the need to get as much out of him as possible before that time, ergo, a last minute push towards the title.

Still, I have to hand it to the current Champion, Austin Aries, for working with Hardy’s inherent lack of mic skills and crafting a story worth watching. Acknowledging that he was never going to be able to compete against Hardy’s legion of fans (aka sheep), Aries has wisely flipped the dynamic of the match and instead of Hardy chasing for Aries’ title, it’s become about Aries chasing Hardy’s fame and notoriety. With it being a fool’s errand to try and out-face Hardy, Aries has reacquainted himself with quite a few of his old heel techniques and you can positively feel the resentment emanating from the Champ. Playing into his previous feud with Bobby Roode calling his title reign a fluke, this grudge against Hardy being more popular for no reason makes perfect sense for Aries’ character.

Fingers crossed, this will be match of the night and a true classic for the TNA archives. I outright challenge Jeff Hardy to expand his moveset for the night. The biggest pay-per-view of the year, the audience deserves a show. Equally, I challenge TNA to let the wrestling speak for itself. In past Bound for Glory main events, the conclusion has been overshadowed by controversy and twists. However, this match will do all the work for them, they just need to sit back and let it happen.

Robbie G: It brings me much joy to see A Double in the Main Event at Bound For Glory, it goes to show that hard work and determination can make anything happen. Little over a year ago Aries was competing for a contract, then he was rebuilding the X Division and now he is walking into TNA’s biggest event of the year as World Heavyweight Champion. Unfortunately that joy diminishes slightly with Jeff Hardy being his opponent for the evening, not only because back in June I predicted Samoa Joe would win the BFG series, but for me Hardy has never captured the magic he had when in the Hardy Boyz as a singles competitor and his matches generally involve him hitting the same moves over and over.

The booking leading into this match has also taken off the specialness of the Champion vs. The BFG Series winner as both have been involved with each other in one way or another since No Surrender although Bully Ray has been at the centre of all activity and its unclear if or how he will interject himself into this match. 

Aries has taken the role of heel and underdog for the match, although it can be debated if he ever actually turned face and has played the underdog the entire time since his entering the heavyweight division and my heart says the TGMTEL will retain his title but with Hardy playing the fan favourite my head says he will come out victorious to create a ‘BFG moment’ and give the BFG series it’s first direct winner. 

Prediction – Jeff Hardy defeats Austin Aries via pinfall to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

Austin Aries: The Greatest?

On March 12, “A Double” Austin Aries became the longest reigning X Division champion ever. He broke the previous record set by Christopher Daniels, who held the strap for 182 days way back in 2005. But does this give the self proclaimed ‘greatest man that ever lived’ the title of the ‘greatest X Division champion’?

Aries celebrating becoming the longest reigning X Division

Champion on Impact Wrestling 03/15 (photo Lee South)

On March 12, “A Double” Austin Aries became the longest reigning X Division champion ever. He broke the previous record set by Christopher Daniels, who held the strap for 182 days way back in 2005. But does this give the self proclaimed ‘greatest man that ever lived’ the title of the ‘greatest X Division champion’?

The list of former X champions is impressive, with Styles, Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle being the stand out names, all of which are among the greatest of this generation, so Aries is in good company when it comes to those who have held the title.

Longest Reign Ever

Being the longest reigning champion is a sure sign of greatness. It can even be argued that this automatically makes Aries the best and currently no one is showing signs of ending his terrific run with the gold. Contently turning in top rate performances, A Dub is the current highlight of Impact Wrestling and is being rewarded with main event slots and in-ring time with the World Heavyweight Champion, Bobby Roode. Which in itself is elevating the X Division Champion and giving the belt more exposure than it has received in years.

Aries’ reign began by defeating Brian Kendrick at No Surrender, mere months after winning a contract at Destination X, and has gone on to defend the Championship against all the X Division has to offer, month after month, including Kid Kash and most recently Zema Ion. But having already defeated everyone, who is left for Aries to go through and who is capable of besting him for the gold?

Lack Of Competition? 

Aries teasing the crowd

(photo Jeremy Borash)

Despite going through the X division roster, it could be argued that the division is the weakest it’s ever been. Zema Ion is still a relative newcomer, Kid Kash who is an experienced veteran and has held the title before, Tony Nesse has been on television  only a handful of times, Brian Kendrick has left the company and who I feel TNA were likely to push as the next champion, Jesse Sorenson, suffered his life threatening injury.

Not taking anything away from the current crop, but comparing them to the early competitors there were a lot of strong potentials in a time that saw the title change hands multiple times, as it was strongly competed for.

With Aries being pushed into main event slots, the title being given airtime and the chance to become the person to wrestle the title from the champ this could become desirable for those who have left the division behind such as Daniels or Kazarian.

 Ultimate X 

Aries has defeated everybody who has stood in his way but he has yet to test himself in the signature match of the division, Ultimate X. A win in this match up is probably the one thing Aries is missing from his resume to declare himself the greatest and with his showmanship and in ring ability would cement him as one of the companies top stars.

With the crowd reaction and push Aries is receiving as of late it is difficult to see anything but a push into the World Heavyweight picture although before then I would like to see him retain the X Division championship for just a little longer, enough to headline the Destination X pay per view and reach a full year as champion even going through to Bound for Glory.

Along that path I would love to see former champions such as Daniels and Styles try and best the current champion and put on some match of the year candidates, and Kurt Angle to even challenge Aries for the title of ‘Greatest Man to Ever Live’. Matches against opponents of their calibre would raise A Dub’s stock further and put him firmly as the current Greatest Wrestler in TNA.


Impact Wrestling Intro Breakdown

Last weeks episode of Impact started rather differently, not in the way of a promo or a match but the intro video was different and new, long gone are the studio shots with blue steam as they have been replaced with footage from live shows with the in ring action showing off more of the crowd than the tight angles that were used before.
Re-watching the old intro for reference as it was the one part of the show I never normally pay attention to, it hadn’t occurred to me how much of the in-ring action highlighted was my wrestlers no longer with the company such as Mick Foley, Jesse Neal and The Young Bucks (Generation Me), although it was a surprise to see these  wrestlers at all as when they were with the company it’s not like they were big players or even appeared on Impact on a regular basis.
The new intro video actually has very little wrestling on show with a few shots of A.J. Styles vs. Daniels from what looks like the Wembley taping and a Jeff Hardy swanton, these have replaced multiple action shots with my favourite beings Angle’s moonsault from the top of the cage.
Despite the lack of actual wrestling on show; and to be honest the clue is in the name of the show what your going to get anyway; there is more prominence on the crowd and wrestlers being in front of the audience instead of a set shot which is designed to make TNA look like a big company that can draw, hopefully I sign that Impact will be taken on the road again.
The wrestlers used are mainly of those expected,Sting, A.J. and Bobby Roode are the first few that you see and seen as Sting and Roode have been two of the main players in the last half a year that is fully justified, its slightly surprising that A.J. is seen above the champ but he has been the face of TNA for 10 years so it’s not totally out of place. The next shot did take me aback a little as it’s half of the tag team champions… nope not Joe but Magnus, this shows how much of a push he is receiving at the moment as he is also the Heavyweight Champion in Ring Ka King. There are a few shots that have been recycled from the old intro, but why waste resources cutting a new clip when the old clip shows off what you are still trying to show off.
I have been surprised by a few inclusions and exclusions in the intro montage, the main one being Rob Van Dam who hasn’t been on TV since taking a DDT on concrete from Gunner at Genesis and has been rumoured to be heading back to WWE, yet he appears twice in this montage which suggests he isn’t going anywhere. Others on show include Mexican America ring leader Hernandez who also hasn’t been seen in months and is apparently setting up his own wrestling organisation and Mr Anderson who I had forgotten about but the Asshole will be returning to Impact next week. The main wrestler missing is Abyss and although he is missing in story terms has been a big part of TNA for years and can lead to debate of whether the character will ever appear on TV again. Another not featured is Garett Bischoff which I am not complaining about and hopefully will mean he isn’t around for a long time.
All in all a decent freshen up for Impact wrestling highlighting larger crowds and featuring stars who are all on the roster with praise they haven’t followed WWE’s style of putting graphics and effects taking away from what were actually there to watch which is a wrestling show.


Rob’s Reaction: Against All Odds

On February 12th TNA held their second PPV of the year, Against All Odds; an interesting theme for a PPV with its Vegas décor and gambling related graphics but being held in the Impact zone thousands of miles away from Sin City did TNA play their cards right?

#1 Contenders Match for the X Division Championship: Zema Ion defeated Jesse Sorensen via countout

The X Division match kicked off the card and I don’t need to tell you what happened as it was one of the biggest talking points of the PPV, but I would like to take this moment to wish Jesse well and hopefully he will make a full recovery. Kudos to Ion for keeping character although the concern for his competitor was apparent, it’s just a shame these two didn’t get the chance to showcase themselves. 

Open Invitation Match for the Television Championship: Robbie E (c) def. Shannon Moore by pinfall

With the TV title not being defended on TV for months it was a last-minute addition to the card, which is a surprise that it hasn’t been forgotten about! I was surprised that Moore answered the call as he hasn’t been on TV in a while and he should be (in my opinion) me giving the X Division more depth. The match wasn’t much to shout about but at least it meant the belt was defended, for months I have been saying that the TV title should be given more prominence but to do so a better division needs to be built, the belt should be a stepping stone to the heavyweight championship rather than just a show filler. 

Knockouts Championship: Gail Kim (c) def. Tara by pinfall 

A solid match as expected between the two knockouts and a title match that Madison Rayne didn’t get involved in as she walked away from ringside mid bout. Kim picked up the pinfall after Tara hit a top rope moonsault but sold a knee injury on the landing which Kim capitalised on. It was good to see Tara get so much offence on Kim compared to their Impact match a few months ago when Tara jobbed within a minute. The match however was more another step in the Kim / Rayne storyline rather than a match where the title could change hands. 

Tag Team Championship: Samoa Joe & Magnus def. Matt Morgan & Crimson (c) by pinfall

A better match than the one that took place at Genesis but that was to be expected as the challengers have had more time to gel as a team. There was good back and forth action and the end of the match came with Joe & Magnus hitting their snapmare / top rope elbow double team move on Morgan.

New Champions (photo by Lee South)

Joe and Magnus make for a good team and can hopefully bring about a rise in the tag division, Magnus is a rising star and Joe seems to have re-emerged from the wilderness of pointless feuds in a direction that will hopefully see him rise to the top again. Morgan and Crimson will most likely go on to have another ‘Dream Match’ as the competitive streak and tension between the two has been their since Sting put them together.

X Division Championship: Austin Aries (c) def. Alex Shelley via submission

As I predicted in my preview this match was the highlight of the night as both men were on form in a back and forth match that was a good advert for the X Division.

Aries has now gone onto beating everybody in the division and although he will be defending against Zema Ion in the near future it is difficult to see where ‘the greatest man to ever live’ will lose the title, as it will soon get to the point where either Aries will have to move up to find greater competition or the competition comes and find Aries. 

Kazarian (w/ Daniels) def. A.J. Styles by pinfall 

A slow starter but strong finisher this match was the first in what will probably be a series of match ups involving the three which I would imagine to keep on going until Destination X. The match included some good action between the two as would be expected although I felt a lot of direction was taken away from Kazarian as the fan’s continued to show their anger at Daniels, but this is to be expected as we still don’t know why Kazarian has sided with Daniels despite not being comfortable with it. 

Kazarian getting the win gives him a little more prominence as he has been the weakest link in this fued so far, not in his ability but the fact since losing the X Division championship last year he hasn’t really had much to do, hopefully these matches will elevate him. 

Gunner (w/ Eric Bischoff) def. Garett Bischoff (w/ Hulk Hogan) via pinfall

A match that I feel shouldn’t have been on PPV managed to land itself the Semi Main Event slot and managed to match my expectations of nothing. Gunner continued his ruthless streak but that means nothing when he is facing somebody who is making his PPV debut, especially as the pinfall came moments after Hogan was ready to throw in the towel. 

Forcing Garett down fans throats isn’t the way to go, if we are to get behind him as a wrestler then he has to prove himself and pay his dues, going straight into the semi main event above seasoned pro’s such as Austin Aries, Samoa Joe and A.J. Styles is a slap in the face to them and proves it’s who you know (or who your related to) rather than what you know. 

Hopefully after this shambles Garett will be taken off TV for a while, ply his trade at house shows to gain more experience and work his way from the bottom of the card… but we all know realistically that sadly wont happen. 

World Heavyweight Championship: Bobby Roode (c) def. Jeff Hardy, James Storm and Bully Ray via pinfall

Yet another main event that ends in an angle rather than an actual finish. The match was entertaining up until the end when the ref took a bump and Sting, who was enforcing the match, stepped in to stop Roode using the belt as a weapon and ended up knocking out Hardy with the championship and slow counted the victory.

Victory Road's likely Main Event (photo by Lee South)

The finish to this match sets up Sting vs. Roode which is likely to happen at Victory Road as Hardy had his rematch on Impact and looks set to enter a program with Kurt Angle whilst Ray and Storm had a number one contenders match with Storm facing his former Beer Money Inc. partner at Lockdown.

Hopefully this will be the last time we see a PPV event to end with more questions and no definitive winners as it is doing the company more harm in the long-term as fans are unwilling to pay for matches that they get no reward from. 

Overall Against All Odds was a bit of a let down, it was hard to build back up from the accident that occurred in the first match, a lot of this event is building to bigger things in the future, with Vince Russo leaving TNA hopefully things will get on track and provide quality PPV events that are worth the money that fans are being asked to stump up on a monthly basis.
